

I have been working as a wholesale clerk apprentice at ELMAG since November 2022.

During my apprenticeship, I work in the various departments, such as warehouse, office, preparation, small parts warehouse and service, in order to familiarise myself with and understand the various products.
+43 7752 80881 390

During my apprenticeship, I try to continue my training every day and learn new things so that I can become an important part of the company at some point, because it's just great to be able to work here.

In my free time I spend a lot of time with friends, I also go training regularly and I love playing football.

Viele Unternehmen bezeichnen ihre Mitarbeiter heute als ihr wichtigstes Kapital. ELMAG tut das auch. Vielleicht mit dem Unterschied, dass die menschliche und fachliche Wertschätzung aller Mitarbeiter hier auch wirklich gelebt wird. Und zwar mit aller Konsequenz. Täglich. Deshalb kann sich das Unternehmen über ein über 60-köpfiges Team freuen, das in einem außerordentlich kollegialen Betriebsklima seine Motivation und das fachliche Know-how ständig nach oben schraubt. Viele Mitarbeiter halten seit ihrer Lehre dem Unternehmen die Treue, weil sich ELMAG auch danach als ein Ausbildungsbetrieb erster Güte erweist. Denn letztendlich ist jedem Mitarbeiter bei der täglichen Arbeit stets bewusst, dass jedes Produkt ebenso wenig austauschbar sein muss, wie er selbst.



Many companies today consider their employees to be their most important capital. ELMAG is among them. Perhaps with the difference that its appreciation of all its employees is really put into practice here at a human and professional level. And with complete consistency. Every day.

Which explains why the company now has a team of 50 people to be proud of, a team that is continuously raising the bar in terms of motivation and professional expertise in an extremely positive working atmosphere. Many employees have been loyal to the company since their apprenticeship because ELMAG continues to prove itself as a first class training and management company. All our employees are always aware in their daily work that every product must be as irreplaceable as they are.